Thursday, May 19, 2016

Business Basics Towards Better Beings: Why Entrepreneurship Should Be Taught In Schools

In these modern times, gearing kids toward becoming future business owners and teaching them the values and core skills of entrepreneurship is something that will definitely be advantageous to them and to the society. Entrepreneurship education develops a child’s holistic growth and helps in preparing a child for the future.

One great lesson that children can learn from entrepreneurship is being flexible and responsive to whatever situation they may experience. Entrepreneurship hones a person’s innate talent and skills and teaches him how to think outside the box. Business owners, and adults in general, need to be innovative and creative when it comes to day to day living in order to maximize their potential and explore more possibilities towards success. At the same time, entrepreneurship promotes critical thinking, in-depth analysis, weighing pros and cons, and taking calculated risks.

Entrepreneurship also promotes emotional well-being. It develops a child’s interpersonal skills and camaraderie while being independent and reasonable. Managing and working with people is something that cannot be taught by books but can only be learned through experience. Since business management is technically a fair ground for everyone, entrepreneurship promotes equal opportunity, guarantees social justice, and develops self-confidence.

Lastly, entrepreneurship teaches children the importance of responsibility and social awareness. Managing a business requires a great deal of maturity and accountability, and teaching children these core values at an early age will prepare them for the uncertainties and challenges that they might (and they will!) experience once they get into adulthood. At the same time, being aware and informed with the needs and demands of the society helps children to be sensitive with others and more cooperative with the people around them.

Entrepreneurship may not teach children textbook concepts, but it develops children’s character, personality, and attitude towards themselves, towards others, and towards the society. And in the continuous advancement of today’s society, these aspects could prepare today’s children to be better beings in the future and these could be the key towards achieving great success and growth when they grow up.

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