Saturday, June 18, 2016

A Look At Some Cool Tech For Kid Entrepreneurs

Children today are adopting tech faster than ever before. Young children are not only jumping into the fray of starting business, they are using many of the latest elements in technology to get it done. You’ll be surprised by how many children are starting to go into what is known as kidpreneurships. That’s right, children are starting to take on business and growing fast, and it’s thanks to tech that seems to be booming right now. With that in mind, consider a few new cool tech pieces that are helping kids become business moguls in their own right.

BitsBox Coding Tools 
One of the most interesting of options is teaching children how to code. Programming language is easy to pick up when you’re young, and children can learn how to code all sorts of apps, then sell them within the major stores online. Building an app can seem difficult for many adults, but when subscribing to Bitsbox, each month a new project arrives, and children can learn how to code, create, and ultimately distribute applications that they code themselves.

The Square Credit Card Reader 
The modern lemonade stand is about to get a huge jump, because it can now accept credit cards. If your child has a smartphone, then this little plugin lets them accept credit cards on the fly, with a full POS. Now, this may need an adult to supervise, but it allows the classic lemonade sales option become modern, easy, and profitable all in the same. It’s downright one of the most compelling tools that kids can use today, even if it wasn’t originally marketed to them.

Compose Yourself 
This is a tech option that allows children to learn musical notation. The goal is to figure out how to put them together and form a full song, and orchestral solution. There are roughly two hundred million combinations that can be used. Along the way children will learn how to read music, compose it, and build sound structures. This could lead to learning how to play an instrument, and perform for audiences with ease.

The above are just a few ideas that have been explored in regards to entrepreneurship for children. These are just some of the many options that exist. Children today are learning how to create websites, build apps, and make music easier than ever. That’s just the tip of the iceberg too, as many are building serious business from the ground up using tech, apps, and more.


  1. Thanks for sharing nice information!!
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