Thursday, July 28, 2016

Begin Teaching Your Child Entrepreneurship with Chores

Engaging the notions and ideas of entrepreneurship at a young age is a great thing. When you can get a child to become interested in business opportunities, and the possibilities that are out there, they learn skills that last a lifetime. Starting in business doesn’t have to be relegated to age, or status. Children can learn concepts fast, and use them to run real life businesses. There’s plenty of stories of young entrepreneurs that have gone out to make serious moves financially, all before they turn 18. Some even starting as young as 8 or 9 years old. Not everyone is going to want to start a full business venture, but there are things that can be done to get started. For instance, chores can help teach fundamentals in many ways. 

Linking Allowances As Part of An Education in Entrepreneurship 

The first major point of interest for teaching children about business is found in chores. Chores can be leveraged to show cause and effect. You can do one of two things. You can give a child an allowance for the chores that they do per week. This shows them that if they work hard, they will get paid a fair wage. It’s a simple process, and it stays with them for a lifetime

The second solution is found with investing. If one does their chores, they can earn a little money through an allowance. The progression there is to invest that money into a business opportunity. Whether it’s supplies for making lemonade, or it’s to buy raw materials for crafting, the allowance earned from chores can be used as startup capital for business options. 

Creating Opportunities

There’s plenty of projects a child can work through, including some that allow them to earn through chores and learn about entrepreneurial endeavors. Working with them to find projects that they can build on their own, or focus on after the fact is the key element. Whether you want them to work through a lot of chores weekly, or a few things here and there, you can show a child the complex nature of what small business owners go through when starting up an endeavor. 

To start on this path, set up simple chores first. A few chores for a small allowance on a weekly basis is enough to get started with learning about entrepreneurial roles, and more. Then progress slowly to larger sums, more work, and teach supply and demand. There’s many learning opportunities found with chores, and it all starts with simple weekly tasks. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Best Approach When Teaching Your Child Life Skills

There’s a lot of parents out there that are struggling with teaching their children simple life lessons. Even those that have school aged children have to deal with a variety of issues that can be somewhat difficult to manage overall. Finding the best approach when teaching a child life skills can seem painstaking at times, but there are ways that you can make it a bit easier. To ensure that things are going forward with ease, consider a few simple tips for making lessons stick a bit easier. 

Show Them How You Do Things
The first thing that parents forget to do is in regards to example. Many parents take the “do as I say, not as I do” approach to parenting. If you’re guilty of that, you’re not alone. The problem here is that you can’t enforce certain rules because a child doesn’t know any better. They will see you and assume that they don’t really have to do what you say sometimes, because you don’t do the things asked of them. To avoid that, you’ll want them to see what you do, and when you do it, so that when you tell them to do something, they oblige without question. 

Repetition Is Crucial
If you are frustrated that your child is not picking things up with ease, don’t panic. Repetition is the key to getting your child to learn specific life skills. You have to repeat things over and over again, and once it becomes second nature, you’ll know when to stop. Giving a child instruction can become routine, and eventually they will do things on their own, and when you see that, reward them with praise. Always recognize when they do something on their own, and give them praise for it. Don’t let it slip your mind. 

Patience Is Key 
Above all other tips that you can take with you today, make sure that you exercise an extra amount of patience. This is by far the best approach that you should consider when you’re teaching children life skills of various types. Patience will keep you moving forward when children seem to be lapsing or just not developing the skills you’d like fast enough. Just be patient, and you’ll end up with a positive experience. When all else fails, make sure that you compromise and see things from where they are. Perhaps a new set of eyes will help you establish the right plan of action. Learning the best approach when teaching your child life skills matters greatly in how you approach each situation, no doubt.