Monday, July 11, 2016

The Best Approach When Teaching Your Child Life Skills

There’s a lot of parents out there that are struggling with teaching their children simple life lessons. Even those that have school aged children have to deal with a variety of issues that can be somewhat difficult to manage overall. Finding the best approach when teaching a child life skills can seem painstaking at times, but there are ways that you can make it a bit easier. To ensure that things are going forward with ease, consider a few simple tips for making lessons stick a bit easier. 

Show Them How You Do Things
The first thing that parents forget to do is in regards to example. Many parents take the “do as I say, not as I do” approach to parenting. If you’re guilty of that, you’re not alone. The problem here is that you can’t enforce certain rules because a child doesn’t know any better. They will see you and assume that they don’t really have to do what you say sometimes, because you don’t do the things asked of them. To avoid that, you’ll want them to see what you do, and when you do it, so that when you tell them to do something, they oblige without question. 

Repetition Is Crucial
If you are frustrated that your child is not picking things up with ease, don’t panic. Repetition is the key to getting your child to learn specific life skills. You have to repeat things over and over again, and once it becomes second nature, you’ll know when to stop. Giving a child instruction can become routine, and eventually they will do things on their own, and when you see that, reward them with praise. Always recognize when they do something on their own, and give them praise for it. Don’t let it slip your mind. 

Patience Is Key 
Above all other tips that you can take with you today, make sure that you exercise an extra amount of patience. This is by far the best approach that you should consider when you’re teaching children life skills of various types. Patience will keep you moving forward when children seem to be lapsing or just not developing the skills you’d like fast enough. Just be patient, and you’ll end up with a positive experience. When all else fails, make sure that you compromise and see things from where they are. Perhaps a new set of eyes will help you establish the right plan of action. Learning the best approach when teaching your child life skills matters greatly in how you approach each situation, no doubt. 


  1. Motivation is often the biggest challenge in learning. Sometimes the kids won't listen or remember, unless we promise a reward. That's obviously not a good attitude to have. Teaching them in anger is equally pointless. It's hard to find the balance.

    1. Finding balance can definitely be challenging at times, I'm finding that parenthood itself is one big ongoing learning lesson.

  2. I find that leading by example is a good method. You can tell a child anything, but when you show them you are teaching by doing. They see it in action and actions really do speak louder than words.

  3. Being patient is sometimes quite difficult but it is necessary when it comes to teaching children. You have to give them time to absorb and learn. Without patience, the kids won't want to listen to you.

  4. I've found that I only have patience up to a certain point, then I get frustrated, and then I feel guilty because I feel like I've given up on them. Right now I'm struggling with getting my twelve -year-old daughter up early enough to get to school on time. I feel that she is old enough to know what needs to be done, but I still can't get her to do this. How can I teach her this important life skill?

    1. Your not alone on this, My son isn't quite a teenager just yet but I have the same challenge. Sticking to a strict bedtime routine has helped. I heard of a cool tip of setting an alarm clock in your child's room far away enough to where It can't be turned off with just an arm's reach. Try also tying some sort of consequence when your child doesn't follow through on a responsibility. Teenagers tend to avoid having to deal with consequences, I know that I did! All in all, don't beat yourself up, pat yourself on the back for doing your best. There is no one size fits all way of parenting. There will always be some trial and errors.

  5. I agree with you about the "do as I say" statement; my own mother was like that. So I was always wondering why she was asking me to do things that she, herself didn't do.

    It is very important to set the example if you want your children to follow instructions.

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